API Docs

Current Version: v2.0.0


Returns the details of the block with the given hash.

Returns the details of the block at the given height.

Returns the details of the block header with the given hash.

Returns the details of the block header at the given height.

Returns basic details about the chain tip.


Returns the details of the transaction with the given txid.


Returns the latest UTXO Set snapshot. Warning: This call can be very slow, depending on node hardware and index configurations.


Returns a summary of data pertaining to the given address. The output of this call will depend heavily on the configured 'Address API' (see .env-sample file). If an Address API is configured, transactions related to the given address will be returned (the below optional parameters apply to those transactions).
Optional parameters
limitNumber of transactions to return
offsetOffset into transactions
sortSorting direction for transactions ('desc'=new first, 'asc'=old first)


Returns details for the specified extended public key, including related keys and addresses.
Optional parameters
limitThe number of addresses to return
offsetOffset into the list of addresses

Returns a list of addresses derived from the given [xyz]pub.
Optional parameters
receiveOrChange0 for 'receive' addresses (default); 1 for 'change' addresses
limitNumber of addresses to return
offsetOffset into addresses


Returns a summary of Bitcoin Core's mempool (full output from 'getmempoolinfo')


Returns the semantic version of the public API, which is maintained separate from the app version.